Chelsea Krieg

is a poet, freelance journalist, and educator in North Carolina. She holds an MFA in poetry from North Carolina State University. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in New South, Gulf Coast, The Southern Poetry Anthology (Issue IX Virginia), Tinderbox Poetry Journal, The Greensboro Review, Poet Lore, and Bellevue Literary Review, among others. Her manuscript, Everything is Water, was runner-up for Hub City Press’s 2023 New Southern Voices Poetry Prize, and she was a finalist for the New South 2021 Poetry Contest. Her work won the Ninth Annual Nâzim Hikmet Poetry Competition Award in 2017, and she was a Sally Buckner Emerging Writers’ Fellowship Award Finalist in 2018. She also received a North Carolina State Poetry Contest Honorable Mention in 2015.

Her freelance writing has received nominations for the APEX Award and received an American Society of Business Publication Editors Azbee Award of Excellence in 2022.

Chelsea is the Assistant Director to the MFA Program at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC and lives in Durham, NC with her family.